Do you want to join the ASIYAH family?

Whether it's on Instagram or Facebook, on television, or on the radio... We regularly become aware of the grievances and critical circumstances in the current events. Most of us then hear that quiet voice in the back of our minds wishing for change, but not knowing how or where to start.
Deshalb haben die Mitglieder von ASIYAH sich entschlossen, ihr „eigentlich möchte ich eine Veränderung“ durch Tatendrang zu ersetzen. Unser Verein und unsere Arbeit zeichnen sich allen voran durch die Jugendlichkeit des Teams und unsere Intention zur Gemeinnützigkeit aus. Wir arbeiten uns nicht von Lohnscheck zu Lohnscheck, sondern kommen als Freunde zusammen, um – im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten – die Welt ein kleines bisschen zu verbessern. Ein strahlendes Kind, ein ehrliches „Dankeschön“, nur ein kurzes Zunicken im Vorbeigehen und die ganze Arbeit hat sich gelohnt. Dieses Empfinden kann nämlich mit keinem Geld der Welt gekauft werden, man kann es nur spüren und merkt dabei schnell, dass Ehrenamt unbezahlbar ist. Die Möglichkeiten, sich bei uns einzubringen und ein Teil unserer kleinen, aber immer größer werdenden Familie zu werden, sind vielfältig. Von der Gremiumsarbeit zum Sponsoring, über die Administration oder die wöchentliche Obdachlosenspeisung, bis hin zu Projekteinsätzen im Ausland, gibt es für jede helfende Hand einen Platz bei uns.

You want to help people? There are various ways to do so

Supporting member

Support us financially and become a supporting member to actively contribute and shape our initiatives!


Join us as a volunteer and support us in our homeless feeding program!

Committee Member

Apply now and discover your opportunities to get involved!

Job vacancies

We cordially invite you to apply proactively to ASIYAH!

1. Supporting Member

Supporting members are an integral part of ASIYAH, just like extraordinary and ordinary members, and contribute to the implementation of our projects.

As a supporting member, you can support ASIYAH through a contractual membership and a monthly financial contribution.The regular monthly amount is 10 €. Of course, you can also choose a higher contribution if you wish. As a supporting member, it is up to you whether and how much active help you provide for our projects. There is therefore no obligation to lend a hand. With the monthly financial contribution, you support the implementation of our projects — whether you want to help beyond that is up to you.

As a supporting member, you do not need to fulfill any requirements and you do not have to apply to us. Anyone, without exception, can become a supporting member. All you have to do is fill in and sign the contract below and send it to us. This is the start of your sponsoring membership, with which you can help people in need all over the world.

2. Volunteer

You would like to be flexible and still get involved on occasion, you have the opportunity to participate as a volunteer in the homeless meal distribution in Frankfurt, Munich, or Berlin for example. As a volunteer, you can cook together with other volunteers and/or distribute the food.

The homeless meal distribution takes place in Frankfurt and Berlin every Saturday, and in Munich every Friday and Sunday.
As a volunteer, you can choose when you want to help and what tasks you want to take on. It is not necessary to be a member of ASIYAH for this opportunity.

3. Committee Member

You would like to actively participate in a committee? Then apply now!

You will receive an invitation to an onboarding day, where all the committees will be introduced to you. Afterward, you can decide whether you want to become a member of ASIYAH. At the beginning of your membership, you will have the opportunity to get a taste of different committees and then choose where you would like to contribute.

Even during your membership, you can change your committee over time or join additional committees. Your membership starts as an extraordinary membership with a probation period of six months, after which you have the opportunity to become an ordinary member. Ordinary members simply have more responsibilities.

Below is an overview of the different committees:


Nilab Taufiq (Chairwoman), Reem Al Khateb, Nadia Khan

Projects and Organization

The “Projects and Organization” committee focuses on the planning and implementation of regional domestic projects. This includes activities such as homeless meal distribution and the project “ASIYAH Aktiv” in senior homes and refugee shelters. In addition to existing projects, the P&O committee also develops and implements new project ideas and workshops.

Quality management

The Quality Management Committee establishes and monitors quality standards, develops plans and measures to optimize internal structures and processes, handles applications and tenders, and conducts evaluations of surveys and assessments.


The HR team manages all personal data in accordance with data protection regulations. Additionally, we take care of the well-being of our members and support their personal development within the organization.

Ethics Council

The Ethics Council of ASIYAH e.V. is responsible for conflict resolution and addressing ethical and moral issues and questions within the association. The Ethics Council can also handle disputes and disagreements within the organization.


The Marketing Team is responsible for the overall public relations of the association. Their tasks range from designing and creating informational brochures, flyers, and business cards to acquiring and communicating with potential and existing sponsors. They also manage all social media profiles, create daily text and image content, and respond to questions and inquiries on these platforms. Additionally, the team is responsible for producing the podcast and coordinating information booths at trade fairs.


The IT department is responsible for managing the technical infrastructure and systems. This includes the administration and development of the website and internal IT systems, data management, the enhancement of process automation, IT support, and conducting training sessions.


The Finance Committee is primarily responsible for managing the donations entrusted to the association. We take care of the bookkeeping and ensure transparent documentation of all income and expenses. We are your contact persons if you need donation receipts, have questions about your donation, or wish to support the association by becoming a supporting member.

4. Job advertisements

Currently, we do not have any open positions available. You are welcome to submit your application on a speculative basis via email to !