Humanity, understanding & Sustainability

We at “ASIYAH — Gemeinsam Aktiv e.V.” stand for these values

Whether it is access to food, education, health, independence, or social participation, ASIYAH supports individuals in need through projects both nationally and internationally, regardless of their circumstances.

ASIYAH is what each individual member makes of it. It is a platform for encounter, exchange and activism. The more diverse and different the members and helpers, the more diverse and beautiful the projects we can create together.

Nilab Taufiq

Chairwoman of the board
Helping is our goal

What sets ASIYAH apart from other humanitarian organizations

100 % Donation Policy

Every donation flows 100% without deductions for administrative costs or overhead directly into our projects.

"Help for self-help"

To enable a better future in the long term, we focus on sustainable assistance for self-help.


We strive to consider ecological and social aspects to the best of our abilities in all of our projects.


By having a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives within our team, we are able to achieve our goals more effectively.

Our Values

Our Values

Transparency plays a significant role for us. It is essential to make our work and relief efforts as comprehensible as possible to the public. We are guided by the principles of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Starting with the dignity of every human being, we prioritize the protection of life, the well-being of families, particularly children, the right to basic needs, and the freedom of intellectual and spiritual development. Love for others and impartiality guide our work, helping us identify the right points of intervention. Our actions aim to promote the well-being of our fellow human beings. Where there is suffering, we provide assistance within our available capacities, regardless of whether it is in our immediate vicinity or on a different continent.
Our Vision

Our Vision

Our goal is to carry out national and international projects with long-term and sustainable impacts. We assist people not only through material support but also prioritize their spiritual well-being. Our focus is on education and healthcare, tailored to the specific needs of the communities we work with. We promote integrated development that takes into account the social, cultural, economic, and ecological circumstances of the local context. We aim to foster local independence and self-determination, placing the principle of helping people help themselves at the forefront of our organization's work.
Our Story

Our Story

ASIYAH - Gemeinsam Aktiv e.V. was founded in 2018 in Frankfurt am Main by young people with the goal of advocating for a fair and equitable distribution of resources. Since then, we have grown to over 50 members in 3 cities and have been involved in diverse projects in over ten countries. The primary focus of ASIYAH is on promoting unity among humanity. Through compassion and empathy, we aim to strengthen the global community. One significant factor that sets us apart from other organizations is that 100% of the donations we receive are exclusively used for our projects. We cover our administrative costs ourselves by utilizing membership fees or initiating separate fundraising activities to cover administrative expenses. Regardless of religion, gender, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, or the expectation of reciprocity, we provide support where it is most urgently needed.


Dank eurer Unterstützung und den vielen fleißigen Abstimmungen konnten wir den 1. Platz beim Ehrenamtspreis 2024 der Versicherungskammer Stiftung für unsere Obdachlosenspeisung gewinnen.

Dieser Erfolg gehört uns allen – jede abgegebene Stimme und jedes Teilen haben uns geholfen, diesen Preis zu gewinnen. Eure Unterstützung zeigt, wie stark wir zusammenstehen können, um Menschen in Not zu helfen.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Versicherungskammer Stiftung und allen, die uns unterstützt haben.

Gemeinsam können wir Veränderung schaffen!

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