We at “ASIYAH — Gemeinsam Aktiv e.V.” stand for these values
Whether it is access to food, education, health, independence, or social participation, ASIYAH supports individuals in need through projects both nationally and internationally, regardless of their circumstances.
ASIYAH is what each individual member makes of it. It is a platform for encounter, exchange and activism. The more diverse and different the members and helpers, the more diverse and beautiful the projects we can create together.
Nilab Taufiq
Chairwoman of the boardWhat sets ASIYAH apart from other humanitarian organizations
100 % Donation Policy
Every donation flows 100% without deductions for administrative costs or overhead directly into our projects.
"Help for self-help"
To enable a better future in the long term, we focus on sustainable assistance for self-help.
We strive to consider ecological and social aspects to the best of our abilities in all of our projects.
By having a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives within our team, we are able to achieve our goals more effectively.
Our Values
Our Vision
Our Story
Dank eurer Unterstützung und den vielen fleißigen Abstimmungen konnten wir den 1. Platz beim Ehrenamtspreis 2024 der Versicherungskammer Stiftung für unsere Obdachlosenspeisung gewinnen.
Dieser Erfolg gehört uns allen – jede abgegebene Stimme und jedes Teilen haben uns geholfen, diesen Preis zu gewinnen. Eure Unterstützung zeigt, wie stark wir zusammenstehen können, um Menschen in Not zu helfen.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Versicherungskammer Stiftung und allen, die uns unterstützt haben.
Gemeinsam können wir Veränderung schaffen!
More then 345 000+
People Were Helped
Become the One Who is Considered a Hero
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What People Think
Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend.Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus
Dwayt Harder
VOLUNTEERAt auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend.Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci.
Jane Bryan
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